Installing Aconex for Outlook

This article explains how to install Aconex for Outlook on a Windows computer

To install Aconex for Outlook, you need to be able to run .exe files on your computer. In some organizations, only IT Departments can complete this step. It’s also possible for IT Departments to install Aconex for Outlook over their organization’s network instead of installing the software on each user’s computer. Your IT Department can use the msi installer to do this.

  1. Download the latest version of Aconex for Outlook. If you have trouble installing the .exe file, you can try the .msi installer.

  2. Go to your downloads, locate the Aconex For Outlook .exe file, and click on it. If you see an Open File – Security Warning screen, click Run.

  3. Once the file runs, you’ll see the Welcome to Aconex for Outlook Setup wizard.

  4. Click Next to start the installation process.

  1. You’ll see the user agreement. Select I Agree, then click Next

  2. By default, Aconex for Outlook will be installed at: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Aconex

  3. If you’re happy with that destination, click Next. Otherwise, choose your preferred destination and click Next.

  4. On the Confirm Installation screen, click Install to start the installation.

  5. When Aconex for Outlook has finished installing, click Finish.

The next time you open Outlook, the Aconex for Outlook banner will display for you.