File Naming Guidelines and Best Practices

Ensure the filenames for your documents are clean from special characters so they upload correctly and are easily found.

General Recommendations

  • Keep file names at a reasonable length. While your computer may support a character limit up to 255 for a file name, be mindful of the maximum path length limitation (e.g. 260 characters on Windows). We suggest keeping the file name length to no more than 30 characters.
  • Avoid using spaces and underscores, use a hyphen instead.
  • Don’t start or end a file name with a space, period, hyphen, or underline; instead, start with a letter or number.
  • Some operating systems are case sensitive; ideally, keep it consistent. We recommend using all lowercase letters.
  • For consistency,  make sure the filename indexes logically with every version you upload.

Examples of poor file naming convention: 

  • ‘F&A Costs.html’ – the web browser will read this as ‘F&A%20Costs.html’ 
  • ‘my PDF file#name.pdf‘– the web browser will read this as ‘my%20PDF%20file%23name.pdf’

Web browsers replace spaces with a %20 character which can be problematic when searching or linking to a file in the future.

Examples of good file naming convention:

  • ‘my-pdf-file-name.pdf’
  • ‘mep-electric-drawing-spec-314.pdf’


Many special characters are reserved/used by Aconex as search parameters, so its best to avoid using these in your filenames to ensure your searches behave as expected. For example:

< >angle brackets
@at sign
`back tick
blank space
{ }curly brackets
$dollar sign
"double quote
=equal sign
/forward slash
?question mark
'single quote