Update (Supersede) a Document

If you need to upload a newer version of a document that is already in Aconex follow these steps.

In Aconex updating a document is called 'superseding'. All versions of a document are kept in Aconex automatically.

If you want to view an older version, you can do so by accessing previous versions of a superseded document.

  1. Click Documents and select Document Register.

  1. Either enter some details of the document you want to search for, or just press Search.
  1. Click the more options menu on the row the document is in.
  2. Select Supersede.
  1. Update any of the document information that has changed. Make sure all the mandatory fields are filled in. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk and are in yellow.
  2. Drag and Drop file or click the click to upload link to upload file. You can also select files from other sources by clicking the Choose source button.
  3. Locate your updated file and click Open.
  4. Click the Supersede Document button. Your document has been updated.