Troubleshoot errors in Aconex

Seeing an error message? We’ll help you solve it.

  1. Try logging out, close all web browser tabs/windows, then log in and try again.
  2. If you’re still getting an error, repeat step 1 in a different web browser.
  3. If the above two steps don’t work, contact us. Try to give us a clear description of what you were doing, step by step, when the error occurred.

Our Service Desk is happy to help you troubleshoot any errors you see. Here’s what we’ll need from you:

  • your Aconex login name
  • the name of the Aconex project you’re working on
  • a screenshot of the error
  • a idea of what you were doing when the error displayed including, if possible, the actions or steps that lead to the error appearing.

These are the essential details we need. The more detail you can give us, the better we can help you out.