Update an issue

Change an issue's status, location, assignee and other details.

You can update issues that your organization has captured or been assigned. You cannot edit issues that were shared with your organization.

Update an issue if you've made a mistake, or you need to include additional information, such as photo evidence of completed work.

  1. From the main navigation menu, click Field and select Issues.
  2. Select the location (or area) for your issue.
  3. Search and filter to find the issue you want to update.
  4. Click the issue to view its details.


Choose either List view or Grid view to display your issues.

Update issue details

  1. Click a field to change its details. You can update the following fields:
  • Issue type.
  • Description up to 255 characters.
  • Status.
    • As an assignee, changing the status to 'Work done' will display the issue as 'Ready to inspect' for the organization that created the issue.
    • You can only close an issue that your organization created.
  • Assignee.
  • Due date.
  • Listed in.
  • Add photos from your computer.
    • You can add multiple photos at the same time.
    • After adding a photo, click its thumbnail to preview it in full screen.
    • Photos cannot be deleted after being added to an issue.
    • Attach up to 100MB in size.
  • Location and location details.
  • Extra details (if project fields are configured).

Update multiple issues in Grid View

  1. Switch to Grid View to view details of all your issues
  2. Click Edit Mode.
  3. Click a field to change its details.
  4. Click Read-only Mode when you are done editing.

Bulk actions

  1. Select the issues you want to update in bulk.
  2. Click Tools to open the submenu. 
  3. Choose an option:
  • Edit assignee - change the assignee for the selected issues
  • Move to punchlist - include these issues in a punchlist
  • Send - send an issue report to the assignees of the selected issues