Our top six document migration tips

Six key things you need to know when migrating your documentation.

Moving people and processes to Aconex also means moving your documentation - big tasks you need to get right. Migrating your docs establishes the baseline for your project data allowing for the continuous delivery of your project.

It’ll be a lot of work and involve a lot of people. So to help make the process easier, here’s six things you should consider before you start.

  1. Create a communication plan that explains the 'what, how and when' of your migration.
  2. Identify a 'line in the sand'/‘cut off’ and all other key project dates to migrate data by.
  3. Use this opportunity to clean, check and update existing metadata to optimize classification.
  4. Ensure that your legacy and new system (Aconex) Access Rights meet record creation/management requirements for both pre- and post-migration.
  5. Ensure there is the necessary access to your legacy data in accordance with your Data Retention Policy.
  6. Close out all processes (where possible) in the legacy system.

Let Aconex do the heavy lifting for you

Aconex has a couple of options you can use to make migrating easier. For instance, you can use the built-in functionality of Bulk Document processing