The quick and easy guide to creating project roles for users and organizations

Everything you want to know about assigning Mail and Document Types to user roles.

In Aconex the user with the Project Admin role sets up all the other user roles at project level. With that done, they then assign the mail and document types each role is allowed use. The roles are then assigned to the organizations on your project. In this article we'll show you how it's done.

Five steps, one process

Creating roles breaks down into five steps, all of which are carried out as one process.

  1. Adding the role name.
  2. Specifying the Mail Types the role can use.
  3. Specifying the Document Types the role can use.
  4. Specifying the Document Statuses the role can use.
  5. Specifying the Review Status Sets the role can use.


But before you start...

There’s a couple of things you need to think about before you start creating roles. No 1 is what roles does your project need? The second question is what types of mail and documents do these roles need to use for their work? Once you know the answers, you’ll be ready to start adding them. For more on roles, see Aconex user roles.

Aconex allows you to restrict what roles can see and select, which means they cannot accidentally use the wrong mail or doc type, even though other roles might be able to see them. 


When adding roles you can select one to be the default role. This means the mail/doc types added to the default role will be available to a newly added organization without you having to set anything up.

Adding the role’s name

  1. Select Setup, and then Project/Project Settings.
  1. In the Project Settings window, click the Mail/Documents Role Settings tab.
  2. Click the Create Role button. This opens the Create/Edit Role window.
  1. Enter a name in the Role Name field. The next step is to add mail type to the role.

Adding Mail Types

Mail types can be, for example, RFIs, Site Instruction and transmittals.

  1. Select the Mail Types tab.
  2. Add Mail Types from the Available Mail Types column into Selected Mail Types by double-clicking them. You can move them back in the same way.


See all the mail and doc types and statuses by selecting the Show All checkbox. Filter a long list by entering text into the field under Available… and above the list.

Adding Document Types

Document types can be drawings and contracts, for example.

  1. Select the Doc Types tab.
  2. Add one or more Doc Types from the Available Doc Types column into Selected Doc Types by double-clicking them. You can move them back in the same way.

Adding Document Statuses

Document statues are a way of showing what type of information a document contains. For example, the content could be a draft as opposed to a finished document.

  1. Click the Doc Statuses tab.
  2. Add one or more Doc Statuses from the Available Doc Statuses column into Selected Doc Statuses by double-clicking them. You can move them back in the same way.

Specifying Review Status Sets

Review Status Sets are groups of actions a user can use when reviewing a document type. For example, Approved, Rejected etc. One of these will already be added by default, but you can change the default to one set up by your organization. See Creating review status labels for your project for more information.

  1. Click the Review Status Sets tab.
  2. Add one or more sets from the Available Review Status Sets column into Review Status Sets by double-clicking them. You can move them back in the same way.

Finishing the process 

When you’ve carried out all three steps, click OK to finish creating the role. This is then saved to the list shown on the Mail/Documents Role Settings tab.

Is there anything else I have to do?

Yes, you have to assign your project’s roles to the organizations that have already joined the project so that they can use the project’s mail and doc types. 

Assigning roles to an organization means you restrict an organization's access to both the roles and the mail and doc types those roles can access. This is very straightforward to do and should only take a few minutes, depending on the number of organizations there are.

Assigning roles to organizations

  1. Select Setup, and then Project/Project Settings.
  2. Click the Mail/Documents Role Settings tab.
  3. Select the checkbox for each role and for each organization.
  4. Repeat this until you selected the roles for all of them.
  5. Click Save to finish the process.

Help - I need to edit a role’s mail/doc settings!

That’s not a problem. You can fix this by selecting the Mail/Documents Role Settings tab clicking the role’s name. This opens the Create/Edit Role window where you can change any of the settings described above.