Send mail to a group

You can use a mailing group to send mail to the same group of people on a regular basis.

Before you begin, either you or someone in your organization will need to have set up one or more mailing groups.

  1. Click Mail.
  2. Select Blank Mail.
  1. Select the mail type.
  2. Click on the To button.

By default, this opens on your Project tab but you can also use the details in the Global Directory tab. In Project all existing mailing groups are listed at the top of the search results.

You can see which recipients are included in a mailing group by clicking on it's name.

Selecting a mailing group

  1. Select the checkbox next to your mailing group.
  2. Click the To button.


  1. Now click OK. This closes the directory and returns you to your mail where you can see a list of the group’s recipients .
  1. Now complete the rest of the fields and press Send.