Find issues on Mobile

Search, filter, sort, and group issues on Oracle Aconex Mobile.

  1. Open the mobile app, and tap Issues.
  2. Tap and select the location you want to search.
    Usually, this is an address or development name. You may need to scroll and tap through the sub-areas to find it.
  3. (Optional) Scan a QR code to select your location. Learn more
  4. You'll see a list of issues for the selected location.

Search issues

Searching can help you quickly find issues.

  1. Tap the Search field.
  2. Enter search criteria. You can search the following:
  • Issue number (equality operator)
  • Description (contains)
  • Location details (equality operator)
  1. Tap Search. Pre-defined filters are ignored when searching.
  1. By default the search is performed on the current location, but you can search across all locations if required, or use the Search field, which lists your recent locations. You can also use the QR code. The search results list all the appropriate issues.

You can refine the list by filtering by status, assigned name or due date. When you select these, the issue list is automatically updated. See Filtering issues for more information on doing this.

Filter issues

Filter a list of issues by identifying the specific issues, locations and organizations you want to include in the list.

  1. Tap Filter on the right-hand side of the display. Select the criteria you need from the following options:
  • Only me – lets you filter the issues list of work assigned to you.
  • More Assignees – lets you select one or more organizations assigned to complete work, or select individual assignees from your organization. Scroll and tap as many names you wish to include in the filtered list.
  • Status – lets you filter the issues' on their status. You can choose any, or a combination of Open, Work done, Ready to Inspect, In dispute or Closed.
  • Issue Type – lets you filter the issues by how you categorized them.
  • Capture by – lets you filter issues that you have created. 
  • Due – lets you select issues that are in certain timeframes.
  • Include Shared Issues – this includes issues from other organizations.
  1. Once you've made your selections, press Done to see the filtered list.