View, search and filter mail in Oracle Aconex Mobile

Mail for your construction and engineering projects is now available on Oracle Aconex Mobile.

After logging into Oracle Aconex Mobile, tap the Mail icon on the app home page. 

Select your Inbox, Sent or Drafts

Select either your Inbox, Sent or Drafts by tapping the mailbox selector at the top of the screen.

View organization mail, or just your own

Tap All to show all organization mail, or Me to filter your own mail.

View mail

  1. Tap on the mail you want to read.
  2. The number of mails in the thread (replies/forwards) is shown at the top of the screen.
  3. Below this you will see details such as Mail Number, From, To, and Status.
  4. Scroll down to view the message body and continue scrolling to view other mails in the thread.
  5. Tap on a thread item to expand it and view its complete details.
  6. Tap the Back icon to return to the mail listing.

Search mail

  1. Select the mailbox you want to search (either Inbox, Sent, or Drafts) using the mailbox selector at the top of the screen.
  2. Type your search keyword into the search field.
  3. Tap the filter icon to narrow your search results. Select from all filters that are available in Aconex.
  4. Tap Search and your results will appear.
  5. Tap All to filter all organization mail, or Me to filter your own mail.

Filter and sort mail

  1. Tap the filter icon to narrow your search results.
  2. Tap on a field filter and select or enter values as required. You can filter using a combination of mail field values.


The filter fields you see will match those used in Aconex.

  1. Tap the Sort tab to choose a sorting field and sorting order (for example if sorting by Sent Date you can order by newest or oldest).  

Mark mail as unread

  1. From a mail, tap the arrow icon at the bottom right. 
  2. Tap Mark as Unread