Update an issue on Mobile

It’s easy to edit an issue’s details in Oracle Aconex Mobile.

  1. Log into Oracle Aconex Mobile, and select the project you’re inspecting.
  2. Tap Issues.
  3. Tap through the locations to find the one you’re working in, or scan a QR code on the site to select the location. 
  4. Search and filter to find the issue you want to update.
  5. Tap the issue to view its details.

Update issue details

  1. Tap a field to change its details. You can update the following fields:
  • Issue type.
  • Status.
    • As an assignee, changing the status to 'Work done' will display the issue as 'Ready to inspect' for the organization that created the issue.
    • You can only close an issue that your organization created.
    • You can optionally add photos as evidence of completed work.
  • Description up to 255 characters.
  • Assignee.
  • Due date.
  • Add photos from your device.
    • Take a Photo using your device's camera
    • Choose a Photo from your device. You can select up to 15 at a time. 
    • Annotate a photo or file using the markup tools at the top of the screen.  
    • To markup images you have chosen from your device, tap the image and then tap Markup
    • Tap a thumbnail to preview the image in full screen.
    • Photos cannot be deleted after the issue is saved.
    • Attach up to 100MB in size.
    • Location and location details.
  • Extra details (if project fields are configured).
  1. Tap Save to make the changes. 
  2. Tap the back arrow to return to the issues list.


Need to close multiple issues? In the issues list swipe left to right on an issue you want to close.