Edit a user role for your organization

As the Org Admin, you can make changes to user roles for your organization. You can also choose which user role is automatically assigned to any new user in your organization.


Users can be assigned to more than one role.

  1. Click the Setup button on the Module Menu, and under Configuration, click User Role Configuration.
  1. To edit the name of a role:
    1. Click the role name link at the top of the page.
  1. Enter a name that describes the purpose of the role in the Role Name field.
  2. Click the Save button.
  1. To automatically assign a role to new users:
    1. Click the role name link at the top of the page.
    2. Select the Assign role to new organization members checkbox.
    3. Click the Save button.
  1. To change the security settings for a role:
  2. In the column for the role, for each listed security setting you want to change, choose:
    • N/A – to leave the security setting open, allowing access to be granted or denied through another role. Access is denied if not granted through another role. This is the default value for each security setting.
    • Grant – allow access to the role.
    • Deny – to deny access to the role - in general, not recommended.
  3. Click the Save button.


Note that N/A means that nothing has been set for the user. this means they won’t be able to use the functionality.