Create a mail from a package and produce a link between your package and related correspondence.
You can send mail directly from the package you are working in. When you do this, it’s just like creating a mail in the Mail module – all the same rules apply.
If you do not see a Mail option, you’ll need your Project Administrator to allow mail to be created from the package type
Select a package to view from the Package Register.
Click Mail in the left-hand column. You’ll see an area for Mail – any mail created from the package will be displayed here. Note that you also have three mail tabs: Inbox, Sent and Draft.
An external recipient will receive the mail as a normal Aconex Mail, without any information about or access to the package.
If you're not ready to send, you can Save To Draft and close the mail. It will be available in the Drafts tab to continue and Send.
After the mail is sent it will appear in the Mail section of the package. If the mail has to go through an approval process prior to being sent, it will be retained in Drafts and will be displayed in the Sent tab of your package after it has been approved.