Setting the default Auto Text for a Project Mail Type

As the Project Admin you can set the default auto-text (template) for a specific mail type.

The project auto-text template you create is specific to your project and your organization.


If Mail and Document types for your project are locked, you won't be able to set default auto-text for mail types.

Even if your project's Mail and Document types aren't locked, the default auto-text template you create can be overridden at: 

  • the organization-level by the Org Administrator, or;
  • the user-level, by a project participant.
  1. Click the Setup button on the Module Menu, and under Configuration, click Preferences.
  1. Click Project tab, then scroll down to Mail.
  2. At Select mail types, click the Edit button.


If the Edit button isn't available, the Mail and Document types for your project are locked. To unlock these you'll need to disable the following project preferences:

  • Enable project wide auto-numbering of documents
  • Lock mail and document types across all organizations so only the project owner can change these settings
  • Lock project mail auto-numbering scheme across all organizations so only the project owner can change these setting

Once these preferences are unticked and saved you need to refresh the page and the Edit button will be available.

  1. Click the Auto-text button for the mail type.
  1. If required, change the auto-text available for this mail type:
  • To add auto-text items, double-click items in the Available Auto-text list. The items in the Selected Auto-text list appear in the Default Auto-text list.
  • To remove auto-text items, double-click items in the Selected Auto-text list.
  1. Select the default auto-text item you want to use for this mail type from the options in the Default Auto Text list. The options listed here are the ones in the Selected Auto Text field.

  2. When you’ve finished, click OK, and then the Save button.