Master document searching using advanced search techniques.
Use the Aconex search codes below in the search field to get exactly the search results you want.
Make sure you follow each code with a colon, as shown below.
To search using a code that has a Yes or No value (e.g. confidential), search 1 for yes, and 0 for no.
Don’t forget that you can combine search codes using Boolean operators.
Search on... | Using... |
The document number | docno: |
The document title | title: |
The document's discipline | discipline: |
The Attribute 1 field | attribute: |
The Attribute 2 field | secondaryattribute: |
The Attribute 3 field | attribute3: |
The Attribute 4 field | attribute4: |
The document's file type | filetype: |
The document's file name | filename: |
The print size specified for the document | printsize: |
The document's revision | revision: |
The organization that created the document | author: |
Keywords included in document comments | comments: |
Documents which are partially complete | percentcomplete: |
Keywords included in the Reference field | reference: |
The date on which the document was sent to the client | toclient: |
The date on which the document was approved | approved: |
The document's milestone date | milestonedate: |
The document's planned submission date | plannedsubmissiondate: |
The document type | doctype: |
The document's status | docstatus: |
Confidential documents | confidential: |
Documents that have markups saved to them | hasmarkups: |
Documents with a certain number of markups | markupcount: |
The date on which markups were made to the document | markupdate: |
Documents last marked up on a certain date | lastmarkupdate: |
Documents that use a certain scale | scale: |
The document's VDR code | vdrcode: |
The document's category | category: |
Documents last modified on a given date | lastmodified: |
The date on which a revision was updated | revisiondate: |
The date the document was reviewed | reviewed: |
The name of the person who reviewed the document | authorisedby: |
Documents of a certain size (KB or MB) | size: |
Documents uploaded on a certain date (server time is used) | uploaddate: |
Documents uploaded to Temporary Files by a certain user | uploadedby: |
Documents that are locked have specific Super search strings as shown below:
Search on... | Using... |
Documents locked by Supplier Docs | lock:deliverables |
Documents locked by a Workflow | lock:workflow |
Documents locked by clicking on the ‘lock’ icon | lock:user |
Documents that are not locked | lock:z* |
To find documents uploaded to the Document Register by a certain individual, select all the results in your document search, click the Reports button, and select Transmittal history by document. Then choose Export to Excel.
You'll receive an Excel file that contains the full history for each document, including the name of the person who uploaded each version of it.