Export the details of your Supplier Documents package to Excel

Report on the progress of your Supplier Documents request.

  1. Choose your project from the Project Selector at the top of the page.
  1. Click Supplier Documents.
  2. Under Search, select Supplier Documents.
  1. Enter search criteria as required, or leave blank to search for all packages.
  2. Click Search.

If you need to add more information into your report

By default, your report will include all the information you can see. But this can be changed.

Click the Add/Remove Columns button to include more information in your report.

If you need step-by-step instructions see Change the amount of information you see when searching.

  1. Click the Export to Excel button.
  1. You'll see this screen.




  1. Now you can:
    • Click on the Temporary Files button to find your report
    • Wait for an email notification, if you have email notifications turned on. The email will contain a direct link to your report.