Remove documents from a Supplier Package

Don’t need a document you’ve added to a Supplier Package? No problem—just remove it.

You can remove a document from a Supplier Documents package so long as its status is “Not started”.


If the document’s status is something other than “Not started”, you’ll need to cancel the document from the package.

  1. Choose your project from the Project Selector at the top of the page.
  1. Click Supplier Documents in the menu.

  2. Under Search, click Supplier Documents.

  3. Use the search to locate the document you want to remove.

  4. Check the Submission Status column for the document to make sure it’s “not started”.

  1. Select the document by clicking the checkbox to its left.
  2. Click the Initiator Tools button and select Remove Documents from Package from the dropdown menu.

  1. You’ll see a dialog that confirms your removal of the document from the package. Click the Close button.