View the details of your Supplier Documents package

Get more information about the progress of a Supplier Documents package

Follow these steps to check the progress of one of your Supplier Documents packages. You can also see the status of individual documents in the package.

  1. Check that you have the correct project selected.
  2. Click Supplier Documents.
  3. Under Search select Active Packages.
  1. Enter search criteria as required, or leave the fields blank to search for all packages.
  2. Click the Search button.
  3. In the search results, click the package number to open it.
  1. Review the Progress Summary. This shows the number of documents with each submission status, and the percentage of the package with this submission status.
LabelWhat it means
Not StartedYour organization hasn't requested the documents yet from the supplier
Submission RequiredYour organization has requested the documents but the supplier hasn't submitted them to you.
SubmittedThe supplier has submitted the documents. Your organization needs to review the documents.
CompletedYour organization has approved the documents.
  1. Click one of the Submission Status links in the Progress Summary to access a list of all the documents in the package that have this status.