Edit workflow steps

Set the name of each workflow step and manage step participants.


  • Each step name must be unique within the template.
  • You can override the default step completion rules for an individual step if you need to.
  • You can edit the steps in an active workflow template. Workflows in progress will not change.

Before you start editing workflow templates, check with your Org Admin that you have permission to do so.

  1. Open a draft workflow template.
  1. Choose your project from the Project Selector at the top of the page.
  1. Click Workflows from the Module Menu. Then, under Search, click Templates.
  1. Click the Drafts tab.
  2. Enter your search criteria and click the Search button.
  1. Click the name of the template you want to edit to open it.
  1. On the New Template or Edit Workflow Template page, scroll down to the Template Builder.
  2. Click on the arrow icon within a step to access its properties.
  1. Complete these fields as you need to:
  • Step Name: Add a unique and descriptive title for the step.
  • Participants: Choose the users who will review the documents.
  • CC: Choose the users who will be copied on the workflow transmittal.
  1. Click the OK button.


When building workflows, it is often better to include a Distribution Group as a reviewer rather than an individual user. You can do this in the Project Directory and include roles such as Project Manager, Engineering Lead, etc. When you configure the Participants in a Workflow step, instead of selecting an individual user's name, you select the relevant Distribution Group as a review participant.

This means that if the project’s personnel changes, you can swap the user in the Distribution Group to automatically update future workflows where the Distribution Group is listed as a reviewer.

  1. Click on the arrow icon after the step to change its completion rules from the default values. Note, though, that these rules apply to all parallel steps in the group.
  1. Choose rules for:
  • Completion Rule: Choose the rule that determines if this step is complete. This field only appears for parallel steps.
  • If Rejected: Choose what happens after this step if the outcome is a rejection.
  1. Enter a timeframe for the step in the Duration row if you need to. The default step duration is one day.
  1. Save your changes.
  • For a draft template, click either the:

    • Save To Draft button, or

    • Activate button, to save your changes and activate the template.


  • For an active template, click the Save button.