Review documents from a workflow transmittal

When you receive a workflow transmittal the documents you need to review will be attached.

You can open the workflow from this transmittal.

  1. Choose your project in the Project Selector at the top of the page.
  1. Click Tasks.
  2. Under View, click My Tasks.
  1. If you need to, click the Documents title bar to expand the list.
  1. If you need to, click on Unread Transmittals To to expand the list.
  1. Click the workflow transmittal number to open the transmittal.
  2. Scroll to the Document Attachments list and select the checkbox for each document you want to review.
  1. Click the Actions button and choose View Documents in Register, selecting to see either Transmitted Versions or Latest Versions.
  1. To view a document from here, follow our help for opening a document in a workflow.