Create a subworkflow to add steps within a workflow step assigned to you.
Subworkflows let you add steps to a workflow step that you've been assigned.
For example, you might need to work with several others to achieve the step outcome. You could start a subworkflow that defines that process and involves those other parties.
You may also need to attach supplementary files to your subworkflow, for example, to give instructions to the parties involved in that process.
No one will be able to move the document through the original workflow until your subworkflow is completed or terminated.
If you are the reviewer and the Start Workflow button is not available, this means you don't have the right permissions under their user role to initiate workflows. Or, the step is a parallel step which you cannot initiate a subworkflow from.
If you need to use Start a Workflow but the Start a Workflow button isn’t available for your project, please contact the Aconex Service Desk.
You'll see a warning message if:
If the review timeframes you've put into your subworkflow exceed the time allowed for this review step in the original workflow, you'll see a warning about that when you click Submit. You can choose to ignore the warning, but be aware of the impact this will have on other project participants and their deliverables.
Once you've attached a file on the Supplementary Files tab, it can't be removed from the workflow.