Add documents to a workflow, then transmit them to a set of reviewers.
You need to have Workflow Initiator permissions to start a workflow. If you need these permissions, but you don't have them, speak to your Organisation Administrator.
Skip to Step 2. Check your documents.
If you've received a transmittal containing documents that you want to submit into a workflow, follow these steps.
This step is optional.
This step is optional.
Add detailed instructions and other relevant documents that aren't intended for review as supplementary files. This could be a .txt file, a Word document, or any other file format.
The supplementary file will be attached to your workflow. It will be seen by all document reviewers, but it won't be formally reviewed by your document reviewers.
Select a workflow template from the list that displays.
Click Next.
Here are some of the common reasons why you can't find a workflow template:
If you'd like certain project participants to receive a copy of the final transmittal, add their name into the Final Transmittal – Additional CC Recipients field.