The Workflows search page

Searching for a workflow? Use the Workflows search to find what you need, fast.

  1. Choose your project name from the Project Selector.
  1. Click Workflows in the Module Menu, and under Search, click Workflows.

Search Criteria Fields

Search criteria fields Enter or choose the terms you’re searching for in the appropriate fields. Note that Date Range allows you to search for Workflows on the date they were started, completed, or due.
Super Search Enter text here to search for the text in all workflow fields.
Show my tasks onlySelect to search only for workflow tasks assigned to you.

Deselect to search for all workflow tasks.

Group by Choose if workflows are grouped and by which criteria.
Sort by Choose which field the result list is sorted by.
Show per page Choose the number of workflows shown on a page.

Search Buttons

Button Action
Configure Columns Choose the columns that appear in the search results, and change the order of the columns as needed.
Clear Click to clear all search criteria fields.
Search Click to search using the selected search criteria.

Action Buttons


Button Action
Reports Click and choose the type of report you want to generate.
Delegate Click to delegate this workflow task to another user in your organization.
Supplementary Files Click to display a list of supplementary files attached to the workflow.

Please note: This button only appears if the workflow has supplementary files attached.

Initiator Tools You can choose to reassign a step, skip a step, terminate a step, or edit the markup options for a step.